Tasters, Testers
Hey guys, sorry for the little hiatus. October ended up being a lot busier for me than it usually is. I hope everyone had a fruitful and safe Halloween this year! My birthday is a week before Halloween, so I’ve always loved this time of year. It’s probably also a factor in why I’m so […]
Food + Drink Pairings
Warm drinks and food have been paired together for ages; the amount of different flavor combinations is endless. A snack and a caffeinated drink are a combo that many people enjoy daily. When I go shopping, I look forward to trying out a new snack to pair with something in my tea/coffee cupboard. I have […]
Tea: Temp + Time
Steep time and water temperature play a crucial role in how your tea will taste. I never considered this and spent years thinking I did not enjoy green tea. As it turns out, I was over steeping my tea in water that was too hot. I always ended up with a bitter grass soup, and […]